
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Gator Killers

Swamp People or Amos del Pantano (MX)

I guess I have less problem with these country hicks killing as many Crocs as they can as I do with the production of the program. Watching the program it's just a Gator slaughter with no info about why they are allowed to do this or when and how long is the season. 

Reading the Internet you find that the season is 30 days, each boat is given so many tags and someone has decided Gators need to be "culled" in the swamps of Louisiana. Instead it's just presented as a macho Gator hunt  Regardless, this program is based on the excitement of the hunt while ignoring any education.


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I just wanted an outlet when I get that gag reflex going on some of these absolutely terrible reality shows. So here they come as I gag.

I actually like a few so may mention them from time to time