
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Fake Magic Shows

Television or filmed Magic is BS


Dynamo is only one among many that are basically unbelievable. Not only because some of the things they do are impossible .... but using a camera to create illusions is cheating. Camera position, lighting, timing, recording and editing .... all just make it way too easy to create an illusion of whatever. I mean like walking on water. Lighting, time of day, reflections and camera make an impossible feat possible.

While I agree with this - film makes it way too simple to create an illusion.
As we have shown many times on our site, Dynamo's magic falls into the second category – he performs tricks. So if you think magicians who perform magic are 'fake', then you can consider Dynamo to be fake. For example, Dynamo doesn't really walk on water, he just performs a very believable illusion of walking on water, as we have explained here. He also doesn't really fly, as we explained here. If you consider him to be 'fake' because of that, that is your choice, but many people think that magicians can't be fake since it is obvious that they are doing tricks and we all know it. There are only good and bad magicians – those who can't fool us and those who can.

More garbage reality show programming


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I just wanted an outlet when I get that gag reflex going on some of these absolutely terrible reality shows. So here they come as I gag.

I actually like a few so may mention them from time to time